Saturday, June 10, 2023

Mobile phone problems

          In this article, we’ll look at five main problems that are causing people to "break up with their

phones" or quit social media altogether. These are the toxic parts of the new online world.

As businesses, we need social media to be relevant and stay in the eyes of the consumer, too. However,
there are lines that could be crossed if you aren’t careful. Here are just a few issues that are
erupting every day on the internet:
1. Too much content
Ever heard of the "endless scroll?" People become addicted to constantly checking their social media
feeds and companies are constantly posting ads, blogs, photos, questions and podcasts.

The brain can go through serious fatigue even without the added visual stimulation of the real world.
Many young people are being diagnosed with ADHD and similar behavioral issues because of this kind of
content overload.
2. Jealousy and constant competition
With photoshopped images and filters everywhere, it’s no wonder that the statistics for depression,
loneliness, self-esteem issues and suicides are on the rise. Sadly, plenty of companies are taking
advantage of this and posting envy-worthy bodies and lifestyles to make a quick buck from those with
low self-esteem.

3. Cancel culture
This is a more recent phenomenon for social media, where many are being "called out" for their past
transgressions. In some ways, it’s great — the #MeToo movement and other similar movements are weeding
out awful people that have held power for far too long.

However, this trend is also affecting people in a bad way as well. Many "cancellations" were incorrect
but already forever ruined someone’s reputation.

Does cancel culture mean you can’t make mistakes? We’re human, and mistakes are bound to happen, no
matter how careful you are as an individual or company.
4. Not enough fact-checking
"Fake news" is everywhere and sometimes people can’t tell the difference. Of course, Facebook and other
companies are attempting to mitigate the problem, trying to stop conspiracy theories or forcing
articles to go through fact-checks. However, it’s still a very real problem that, in some cases, can
cause huge political upheavals and deadly consequences.
5. Diagnosis without experience
This isn’t just medical. It also calls upon other service industries as well.

Suddenly everyone’s a doctor, plumber or dietitian from watching a YouTube video when, in reality, we
know that most of the expert work comes from years of hands-on experience and education.

This causes a lot of issues and has a real-world impact. Sure, you can pick up some handy tips from the
internet, but you can’t diagnose yourself with a deadly disease just because a website said you had a
few symptoms.

These problems aren’t going anywhere for a while unless the social media companies, governments, and
other technologies can start combating them correctly. Social is now too integral to business success
to stop using, but these are just a few things to keep in mind next time you’re hitting “post” online.

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About the Author
Mashaal Ryan
Mashaal Ryan is a content editor at MultiView. She is based in Dallas, Texas, and graduated from Baylor
University with an English degree in 2014. She blogs somewhat regularly and enjoys writing lifestyle
pieces. In the past, she has worked in marketing as well as journalism.

Thanks and Regards,
Dr. R.S. Dahiya

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